GRAFF.FUNK Writers Weekend 2023
Leipzig: Get ready for the Writers Weekend 2023.
It's happening again! After the great success of our last own jam we decided to invite some friends again, paint something and have a good time. At the Heizhaus in our hometown Leipzig we will redesign the walls with 16 Artist on the 2nd of September. As always there will be a unified color concept and a theme with enough room for interpretation.
Although no line has been painted yet, it is already clear that we will only see burners on the wall. Because with Nexgraff, ASER, Wok, Stick, Astor, FatHeat, Desur, Dark, Mirea, Sade, Zyme, Rambo87, Whyre, Lagqaffe, Sirom and CHR15 on the list we can expect a lot of awesome grafitti.
We wouldn't be Graff.Funk if it wasn't funky. Accordingly, besides the one or other surprise, the Polyesterclub, John Reed and F.B. Illwig support us musically. With the best food and drinks, the skatepark from Heizhaus Leipzig, the streetball court and more we invite you to join and enjoy the event and atmosphere.
The event is supported by Spreadshop, Loopcolors Germany, the city of Leipzig, Golden Ticket, IG Funk & Soul and the Heizhaus. The spectacle will be captured by Vidyofilms and we will present you the results here in video and gallery form and also live in our Instagram stories on September 02, 2023. So stay tuned and take a look below at the video from our last writers weekend and some eyecandies from the upcoming artists
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Nexgraff, Spain, 2022

Aser, Germany, 2022

Wok, Germany, 2023

Stick, Germany, 2020

Twik One, TWIK, Germany, 2020

Dark, Germany, 2022

Desur, New Cru, United States, 2023

zyme, Germany, 2023

Rambo, Rambo87, Germany, 2021

WHYRE, Switzerland, 2023

LGQ, Germany, 2022

WANTED, Germany, 2023

MIREA, Germany, 2023

Sirom, Germany, 2023

Chr15, Germany, 2023