An Interview series with writers from all around the globe. About their graffiti life, the local scene in their cities and countries, their influences and more. This time: RYMD from Stockholm, Sweden.
Name: RYMD / RYMDS Crew: CAS City/Region: Stockhom / Sweden
All artworks by RYMD on Grafffunk RYMD on Instagram

Rymd, Rymds, Sweden, 2023
What does writing/graffiti mean to you? What part of your life does graffiti take up?
It means everything to me, it's in my mind most of the time!

Rymd, Rymds, Sweden, 2022
Tell us something about your home city: How about the graffiti scene, the architecture, the police and the possibilities to paint?
Stockholm is the capital of Sweden and most swedish writers live here. I haven’t focused on the other side of the open walls the last couple of years. But what I can say is: a couple of years after the zero tolerance graffiti policy was abolished, Stockholm is more colorful than ever. It is very open here for everyone who wants to practice the medium spray paint and work with this kind of stuff nowadays. But also we just had a change of government and that means right now it will get tougher to hit the streets…

Rymd, Rymds, Sweden, 2021
Is your personal style influenced by the city? Is there a special style your city stands for?
My interpretation of the "Stockholm style" has always been some fast, easy to read, soft and not too complicated lettering stuff, but with some finesse. There are quick clean styles crafted from hard pressure under the zero-tolerance climate, from like Rilo, Kaos and others. Things develop through the years but I still think that's my benchmark when it comes to letters. I do it in my own way with focus on coloring, movement and applying spray techniques.

Rymd, Rymds, Sweden, 2022
What is your point of view on the local writer scene? What communities are you gathering with?
I would love to see more stylewriting. Otherwise the scene is alive, yes! I gather with CAS crew when time is given for some spray, and the rest of the time is for family.

Rymd, Rymds, Sweden, 2021
Most of your pieces are very colorful, shiny and full of flow and connected to a known comic character. Are comics a huge influence for your paintings and your linework or something else?
Of course comics have been a great source of inspiration for me, I read a lot of them as a child. I actually wrote more characters lately because they’re often faster to paint than a letter piece which fits my schedule better. The importance may not be which character it is - it is more about the potential to tweak it my way. A lot of things are influencing me. I like the science itself, trying to create diversity in the execution of 2D line-working and give depth with light and colors to create something very alive and effect-full.

Rymd, Rymds, Sweden, 2021
A personal shout out or famous last words?
To all my crewmates and the Grafffunk editors!

Rymd, Rymds, Sweden, 2021

Rymd, Rymds, Sweden, 2021

Rymds, Rymd, Sweden, 2020

Rymds, Rymd, Sweden, 2021