An Interview series with writers from all around the globe. About their graffiti life, the local scene in their cities and countries, their influences and more. This time: CRUDE from Bangkok, Thailand.
Name: CRUDE Crew: EB / SP / BSD City/Region: Bangkok / Thailand Other professions: Painter Writing since: 2007
All artworks by CRUDE on Grafffunk CRUDE on Instagram

Sirom, Crude, Thailand, 2022
What does graffiti mean to you? How does it fit in your daily life?
To me, graffiti is a form of expression in the public space. We have some common rules around the world, and we have to know the rules before we start playing - similar to playing sports. Graffiti gives my life purpose and is an inspiration. My goal is to do graffiti in every color, every style of the wall and everywhere I go, which is a lot of places. I haven't had enough time to do everything I want yet, and that means I have to do it for a long time or forever.

Crude, EB, Thailand, 2022
Tell us about your city. The people, subcultural environment, the possibilities to paint.
In Bangkok, more people are getting into graffiti. It's being used more commercially, and people began to accept it in terms of being an art. People often like to see when you work on a piece. But at the same time the prosperous city of Bangkok made it more difficult to make pieces in the city. As a precautionary measure, graffiti removal is being seen more than ever before.

Crude, Thailand, 2020
When it comes down to graffiti, how much would you say your personal style is influenced by the city?
I like making pieces in bright and clean colors, because I think it will make the city more beautiful. But some people disagree: In Bangkok, many writers throw up only 2 colors. If you use a lot of colors, you can't produce as many pieces, because of the cost of the paint. That's why I try to do the few pieces I do as stylish as possible.

Crude, Thailand, 2022
What is your point of view on the local writer scene?
Writers in Thailand have to fight a lot with the cost of spraying. Paint is very expensive, and that's why there are only a few people working on big pieces and full productions - going out to throw up 2 colors is more popular in Bangkok. Right now, graffiti in Thailand tends to use a style that is very popular and easier to execute with the local paint, although creating it is still difficult. Some new styles require high quality paint which is expensive. So we make it easy.

Crude, Thailand, 2022
How important is the internet for you when it comes to graffiti?
It's necessary because we want more people to see it. Some works are secretly hidden in a mysterious spot and it takes a long time until you discover it, but the internet has made it possible for people on the other side of the world to see it. And of course it's good for communicating with other people too.

Crude, Thailand, 2022
A personal shout out or famous last words?
It makes me happy to do Graffiti: It creates fun, excitement, it is making friends, and so much more. I respect and honor everyone who does it. We all inspire each other. And it will become stronger.

Crude, Thailand, 2021

Crude, Thailand, 2021

Crude, Thailand, 2020

Crude, Thailand, 2020