An Interview series with writers from all around the globe. About their graffiti life, the local scene in their cities and countries, their influences and more. This time: Apashe from Marseille, France.
Name: APASHE Crew: ABS FWT SP CMK LTG NTC CF FPC City/Region: Marseille / France writing since: 2000 Artist/Infographist 3D
All artworks by APASHE on Grafffunk APASHE on Instagram

apashe, France, 2022
1. What does writing/graffiti mean to you? Which part of your life takes graffiti?
For me, writing means liberty, creativity, color, sharing, social connection and of course fun. Graffiti takes a big part in my life. When I’m not on a wall, I do decorations, sketches, canvases or digital pieces, … I have also worked in a graffiti shop since 2021. So I can say it consumes almost my entire life now.

apashe, Canada, 2018
2. Tell us something about your home city: The graffiti scene, the architecture, the police and the possibilities to paint?
I live in Marseille now. It’s an old city in the south of France on the Mediterranée. It is really nice, dynamic, sunny, luminous and powerful. In Marseille, it’s pretty easy to paint illegally. The Police doesn't really care about it, so the vandal scene is very developed. But also some nice big structured walls now appear in the city - both together try to coexist.

apashe, France, 2022
3. Is your personal style influenced by the city? Is there a special style your city stands for?
Not really. I have my style whatever the city I live in. And there is not really a special style in Marseille. All styles are in the streets.

apashe, France, 2010
4. What is your point of view on the local writer scene? What communities are you gathering with?
My point of view on the local scene is really good. Globally, people are respectuous even if you have paint everywhere and very different styles. Of course, because I work in a shop now, I’m connected with a lot of them. Affinities can be developed easier of course but we have to share things first of all.

apashe, Canada, 2012
5. Your artworks are always very colorful and well structured. How much effort do you put in a wall production and how do you prepair yourself for a day at the hall?
My artworks are sometimes complicated but over the years I've worked on my organization and a big wall is realized in five or six hours maximum. Sometimes I have a sketch prepared but most of the time, I improvise on the wall and let my imagination do the rest.
6. personal shout outs / last words
Thanks to all my friends. They will know. Peace to everybody. Enjoy paint and life globally.

apashe, France, 2022

apashe, France, 2022

apashe, France, 2019

apashe, France, 2021

apashe, France, 2021